Since 2012, my professional portfolio has been housed at the following location:

I hope you enjoy looking it over!

The list has been growing between updates...
Currently I am collecting research for a screenplay about a Templar who travels to India...

My recent forays into publishing have included a necessary awakening to the world of ePubs.
Ebooks, and all other forms of digitized text, are the way of the future whether we are ready or not.

HTML5 and EPUB3 will revolutionize the way we interface with words and change our thinking about reading permanently.

Although many say that you can't go past a good paper book, reality strikes when we see kindle, nook, iPad and other electronic reader sales soar even in a time of economic stress.

This summer when I built the Festschrift volume for Rick Rashid, I began to understand that we are living in a world where information streams to us constantly on one device or another, every waking moment...
and that whether we publish to immortalize our heroes or to question fate, any words we say must be spoken with care, and what we publish becomes who we are.

My evolving list of projects is attached at the link below, in pdf form, for your review.

Online Portfolio and Resume

“To a friend considering
a difficult work.”

In a letter composed by Sir Thomas Browne in the seventeenth century he warned his friend to take great care with his writing or risk being misread...
If you want to get the message across correctly,
call me.
Pamela Ash
Opus Arduum Publication Works

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